My Projects

My time studying at Shecodes

Screenshot of Book finder site
Screenshot of Weather Forecast Site
Screenshot of Ditionary site
Screenshot of Book Generator Site

Book Finder

Ever feel like no books you can find match what you are looking for?

Check out my Book Finder, simply put in your genres and it will find the perfect book for you!

Try it out!

My Weather Forecast Site

After learning about how React-Apps work, I coded this site to elegantly displays the weather and forecast of any city you choose!

It took me awhile to design the individual icons for the weather but I am glad I took the time to redesign it!

Try it out!
Screenshot of Weather Forecast Site
Screenshot of Ditionary site

Dictionary Site

This site was also using the React App framework, demonstrating my deeper understanding of array loops, in particular.

It was refreshing to code for a site and anticipate the potential errors and fix them to improve user experience.

Try it out!

This site was coded by Karina Wong, opened sourced on Github and hosted on Netfily